Supporting the ministry at South Lake is not about a transaction. Generosity is about transformation, trust, and tangible impact.
The Holy Spirit transforms our hearts from self-centered to others-centered. Godliness is demonstrated through generosity with our time, talents, and treasures.
Consistent giving to the local church body is an act of trust in God, the One who ultimately provides what we need. Trusting God with our finances helps us to see Him at work in our life more clearly.
Tangible Impact
Tithes and Offerings at South Lake support the function and ministry of the church through
- providing budgets for children, youth, outreach, and other ministries
- maintaining the facility for use by the church and community (Foster Care, Homeschool Co-op, sports, etc)
- enabling campaigns like Gift of the Magi (100% of donated funds are delivered to those in need at Christmas)
- and more!